Common signs and symptoms of calcium deficiency

Common signs and symptoms of calcium deficiency

TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on -Oct 28, 2021, 14:24 IST      01/9​ Common signs and symptoms of calcium deficiency Calcium is an important mineral needed by the body to build strong bones and teeth. It is also required for
Why average height of Vietnamese people are low ?

Why average height of Vietnamese people are low ?

  Source of reference  (28/09/2019)     According to Statistics Report from National Act Planning about Nutrition up to year 2020, average height of
Warning from Experts : Obesity in people under 40 years old having high risk of cancers

Warning from Experts : Obesity in people under 40 years old having high risk of cancers

According to Experts, 28.000 people have been diagnosed with cancers, in which 9761 are related to obesity, accounting of 35%.    A warning for overweight people who are under 40 year-old to be careful with cancers   This article